The Dr. Joseph Manning House, 31 S. Main St. (1727)

Dr. Thomas Manning House in Ipswich

The Manning family is an Ipswich success story. Thomas Manning, a commoner, was employed in 1661 to keep the flock of sheep on the north side of the river. His grandson Joseph Manning graduated from Harvard College, and served the town as a highly-regarded physician for 50 years. Joseph's son John Manning and grandson Thomas… Continue reading The Dr. Joseph Manning House, 31 S. Main St. (1727)

The Samuel Dutch House, 69 S. Main St. (c. 1723)

Samuel Dutch House, 69 S. Main, Ipswich MA

After wealthy Richard Haffield of Chebacco Parish died, his widow slowly went insane, and her daughter Rachel, who lived with her, foolishly married a younger man named Lawrence Clinton who connived to steal their inheritance. In 1655, the Town of Ipswich took mercy on the old woman and sold her "four rods of ground...near the… Continue reading The Samuel Dutch House, 69 S. Main St. (c. 1723)